Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find Essay
The Dysfunctional: Psychoanalysis of Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†Murder of women, children, and even a baby is a harsh image used by Flannery O’Connor in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.†The imagery is an effective literary device used to convey ironic tragedy, the struggle of female characters, and the family unit. The story follows a family on a trip to Florida when their journey, interrupted by an ill-fated detour resulting in a car wreck, ends in murder after they cross paths with an escaped convict. Family dysfunction, female struggles, and tragedy are common themes in the stories written by Flannery O’Connor, and her characters often referred to as grotesque. In her story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†she†¦show more content†¦The stories usually follow a female antagonist, though the character is â€Å"grotesque,†and meets predictable tragic end, who, as a flawed hero, finds redemption. The flaws realistically depict her characters as human, pro ne to human emotional issues, products of their environments, and influenced by the relationships with other flawed humans. Although O’Connor has said that her writings try to reveal a failure of society to follow Christianity, as stated by Mark T. Mitchell, she â€Å"†¦ writes as both a Catholic and a Southerner††¦ â€Å"although the Catholicism is generally far more subtle than her Southernness.†(Mitchell). The stories also effectively demonstrate the dysfunction of families and an individual’s tendency to be self-centered. In the South Atlantic Review, Julie Buckner Armstrong explains that during, â€Å"†¦ O’Connor’s graduate training at the University of Iowa, [ ] she learned that being a good writer meant eliminating a (feminine) gendered voice from her fiction.†(Armstrong 130). Her debilitating disease, isolation, southern upbringing, religious beliefs, and a desire to have the male dominated literary commun ity seriously consider her works as a female writer influenced her writing style. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†the antagonist remains nameless, simply referred to as the grandmother. The grandmother is prim and proper, and portrayed as a typical matriarch. However, she freely criticizes her son,Show MoreRelated Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard To Find Essay1144 Words  | 5 PagesFlannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find is one of the most well-known short stories in American history. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is a disturbing short story that exemplifies grace in extremity as well as the threat of an intruder. The story tells of an elderly grandmother and her family who embark on a road trip to Florida. The grandmother is a stubborn old woman with a low sense of morality. 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One author in particular, Flannery O’Connor, is a remarkable author, who directly reflects upon southern grotesque within her two short stories, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†and â€Å"Revelation.†These two short stories are very similar to each other, which is why I believe that O’Connor often writes with violent charactersRead MoreFlannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find1171 Words  | 5 Pages When one first begins to read A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O’Connor, one is assailed by the humorous petty grievances of a mother living under her son’s roof disrespected by her grandchildren and lonely in a house filled with people, clutching at memories of days long passed similar to the Tennessee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie. 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