Sunday, August 23, 2020

Trends in Business Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Patterns in Business Leadership - Essay Example Changes in the workplace lead to new initiative styles whereby pioneers change their styles to stay compelling. Such changes remember improvement for key procedures, smoothing out capacities and rebuilding for viability. For an association to support pertinence in business, planners must be set up to improve the organization’s capacity to peruse and react to changing patterns in the market condition. They ought to have the option to recognize difficulties in time and react immediately by improving structures that support business adaptability and versatility. Versatility lessens unbending nature of the pioneers and empowers them to focus on present and future changes. Along these lines, they should see change as unavoidable and basic piece of association achievement. The objective of such changes is adjust, recover and endure (McLean, 2006). This paper talks about five principle drifts in business administration, the purposes behind rising patterns and procedures to adapt to t hese patterns. Explanations behind Trends in Leadership Most pioneers need skills in vital reasoning, driving change, capacity to move, strategies to make a dream and include others in it. They likewise come up short on the capacity to comprehend the hierarchical set up and appropriate working of frameworks. Most business associations contain countless interfacing procedures and structures that are hard to oversee. This has constrained numerous associations to embrace procedures outfitted towards improving execution and achieving just as keeping up upper hand. Compelling authority is the most noteworthy of the techniques, in this manner most pioneers are forced by superior desire coming about to the development of new patterns. Data frameworks in numerous associations are incomprehensible and convoluted making the collaborations between various organs of an association troublesome. Cooperations in these associations are non direct confounded inferring that moment changes in authorit y prompts articulated, unbalanced impacts at all divisions. This has prompted correspondence patterns and the requirement for successful initiative patterns. Expanded globalization has expanded the desire to lead across societies. The change from conventional hierarchical procedures has permitted space for adaptability and extension empowering organizations to investigate worldwide markets. Most nearby markets are additionally confronting solid rivalry from neighborhood firms consequently making a requirement for most associations to investigate global markets. Most associations are preferring worldwide arranged who can figure successful procedures that advance global business. Innovation patterns are brought about by data over-burden, absence of interconnectedness between association frameworks and business networks. A large portion of the new innovations likewise upset the expert practices. Associations are in this manner edged towards compelling initiative abilities that are inno vatively stable to guide the executives towards mechanical progression. The primary patterns in business administration are: Focus on Human Resource Current statistical surveying demonstrates that most associations think about human asset as the most prominent resource in corporate development. Rising patterns foresee that human asset will be the most

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Recording essays

Recording papers Multi-track recording isnt something new that accompanied advanced innovation, however the computerized unrest has taken this chronicle procedure to an unheard of level. Since a multi-followed recording that has been spared onto a PC plate is simply a PC document, it can without much of a stretch be traveled through the Internet to different areas. The greatest preferred position is that an artist can now truly email his incomplete chronicle to another artist. At that point the other artist can set out another track onto the first chronicle and afterward email it back to the first person. Fundamentally, the account can be made each track in turn without the artists ever leaving their homes. This isnt down to earth for enormous account stars, however for little artists it tends to be an unbelievable device for making and recording their own melodies. PC based accounts development in the music world has brought the expense of recording music down to a point where about each artist can bear to make his own quality melodic chronicles. In the beginning of simple chronicle up until the mid 1990s, scarcely anybody without an immense record bargain had the option to make quality accounts of their own music. Be that as it may, tape-based simple recorders started to get outdated, simple 4-track recorders started to go down in cost to where even the lowliest performer could bear the cost of them. This was obviously due to the expanded nearness of accessible advanced hardware, which was at the time still over the top expensive. Expenses for computerized recording hardware immediately started to go down also. In 1991, Alesis presented an ADAT machine (Advanced Digital Audio Tape) that gave eight tracks of computerized recording capacity for just $3995.00. One can as of now buy a sixteen-track advanced recorder with its own implicit hard drive for around $1500.00. Because of this advanced upheaval in recording, individuals could now have their material in the city for less cash and time. Th... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Spunk Kill and Story Free Essays

What systems can strategy creators utilize to advance fruitful arrangement usage Policies, approach producers and association with history - Essay Example This procedure really includes the interpretation of the destinations of the approach into the framework. It has three essential components which incorporate making obligation or an office who might deal with this new duty. Furthermore, there should be operational principles and rules for the approach program and staff and assets should be facilitated with the goal that the plan of the arrangement is accomplished. Proposition articulation Policy usage is the following stage after selection of a strategy and they represent the deciding moment the arrangement. There will be no impact on society if the approach is rarely executed; anyway this is a mind boggling system that has numerous aspects and elements for progress. Arrangement execution Policies likewise have certain planned and unintended impacts. Expected impacts are those that mean to search out a positive profit by an approach and this could likewise be one of the manners in which that strategies really stay away from the negat ive impacts. That is the reason there is a norm and arrangement creators will consistently contrast their approach against the standard with see whether it is above or underneath the standard. A model could incorporate the approach the State of California executed which prompted the expansion being used of mixture vehicles. The Federal Law gave tax reductions worth $1500 just as extraordinary paths to mixture vehicles which prompted an expansion in the utilization of half and half vehicles and this prompted a beneficial outcome or an expected impact. The legislature made an impact by making a move which was the approach despite the fact that the alternative of ‘high-inhabitance vehicle lanes’ isn't accessible for new half and half vehicles. (Suleiman, 1984) Negative reactions that are not expected are called ‘unintended’ and they are normally on the grounds that strategy making frameworks are generally perplexing. They may set the expense rate so high or so low that this discourages cash from the economy. In this manner the arrangement usage fine brushes the approach activities with the goal that these unintended impacts are dealt with; anyway it is difficult to evacuate the whole negative impacts while execution. (Yates, 1977) Policy making as previously mentioned is where the administration really completes and executes a specific strategy that is received when it is required by the law or something else. The various offices that are liable for the individual approach regions meet up and are given the conventional obligation regarding executing the strategy and this is typically the phase when the bill is not, at this point a bill yet turns into a law. When the legislature has made an open approach, for example, a standard, law, order, resolution or any guideline, the arrangement must be executed and observed, regulated and afterward it ought to be constrained upon society so it achieves the change that strategy creators want it to. The office that is answerable for usage is enabled the ideal assets and to permit the new arrangement to be actualized easily, anyway this is normally not the situation. Be that as it may, for what reason is open approach executed in any case? Open arrangements are executed so that there is some adjustment in the populace with the goal that a specific open issue is settled or if nothing else enhanced at any rate. The difficult will keep on existing until the arrangement is done and once the strategy is actualized, it will be assessed to check whether the outcomes that were wanted are being acquired and further update and implantation can happen. Organizations of organization will do the greater part of crafted by the administration thus they affect the residents of the area and are engaged with approach implementa

What was the Elizabethan attitude to magic at the time Essay Example

What was the Elizabethan disposition to enchantment at that point? Paper In the storm, the island is abnormal and supernatural, for the most part due to the climate in it, and the unusual spirits meandering it, pictures of old style divine beings and animals are to propose that the island is encircled by fanciful creatures:- The most relentless Neptune, and Joves helping, this scope of representations portray the odd legendary spirits that possess the island. Pictures of briskness, murkiness and cruelty of nature show that the island can be a troublesome and perilous spot to live on:- The sharp wind of the north, and Sulfurous thundering, awful thunder applauds. This scope of embodiment shows how serious the climate can be on the island. In Elizabethan occasions, numerous individuals put stock in witches, enchantment and witchcraft. During this time, witches were accepted to have been in a settlement with satan and equipped for perpetrating hurt upon people. A witch would likewise have an imprint that distinguished her as a witch:- a third areola and tails were normal. A witch likewise had a creature or some likeness thereof which could be satan in creature structure. Black magic path topped during the 1600s, with renowned cases remembering Alice Nutter for Lancashire(1612) and the Essex witch trails(1570-1600). We will compose a custom paper test on What was the Elizabethan disposition to enchantment at that point? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on What was the Elizabethan mentality to enchantment at that point? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on What was the Elizabethan mentality to enchantment at that point? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Puritans additionally accepted the fiend was as genuine as God. Everybody was confronted with the battle between the forces of good and wickedness, however satan would choose the most vulnerable people, ladies, youngsters, and the crazy to do his work. The individuals who followed satan were viewed as witches. Black magic was perhaps the best wrongdoing an individual could submit back then, deserving of death. Additionally witches were accepted to have uncommon forces of detestable, similar to:- they could talk with the demon, and with his assistance they could speak with the dead, some could likewise observe into what's to come. Witches could likewise harm individuals and make them become sick by utilizing spells elixirs and they could even execute. They can fly make themselves undetectable to the natural eye, they additionally utilized their malicious creature assistants as masks, they can even reason terrible climate storms influencing ships adrift ruining crops. Witches were accused for whatever turned out badly, any lady that acted uniquely in contrast to some other lady, was blamed for being a witch. In this piece of the exposition I will investigate Prosperos demeanor to enchantment in Act 5 Scene 1. In Act 5 Scene 1, Prosperos disposition to enchantment in this scene changes drastically. Prospero from the start despite everything fells in charge and has solid forces toward the beginning of the scene:- Now does my undertaking assemble to a head. This shows Prospero talks in the current state, causing the crowds to notice the way that his charms are still amazing, and in full impact. Prospero can without much of a stretch control others like King Alonso, Antonio Sebastian and their developments with his enchantment powers:- Does now address thee, Iembrace thy body. This shows Prospero is as yet an extremely amazing performer can assume responsibility for other people and their activities. Prospero, oneday remembers all the occasions that he has utilized his enchantment and the force that he has hung on the island:- Graves at my order have waked their sleepers, oped and let em portr, by my powerful. This shows Prospero recollecting all the occasions he has utilized enchantment on the island, and telling the crowd how much effect and force he had over the island with his forces. Later in the scene, Prospero finds that he has utilized his enchantment for awful purposes:- But this unpleasant enchantment I here forswear. This shows Prospero has found that he has utilized his enchantment for terrible purposes, and is considering surrendering enchantment. What's more, close to the finish of the scene, Prospero makes a solemn vow to surrender enchantment:- This vaporous appeal is for, Ill break my staff, cover it certain spans in the earth, and more profound than did ever dive sound Ill suffocate my book. This shows Prospero has at last concluded that the life of enchantment isn't for him, and he has chosen to surrender enchantment by breaking his enchantment staff by tossing his enchantment books into the ocean. Stage headings and doorways exits cause the island to appear to be increasingly otherworldly for various reasons:- Prospero marks an enchantment hover on the ground. The stage headings give us a psychological picture of what the character is doing, and what's going on, in this model, the stage bearings give us a psychological picture of Prospero denoting an enchantment hover in the ground. Stage headings cause the island to appear to be progressively mysterious, as they resemble the Shakespearean enhancements, on the grounds that in Shakespeares days they didn't have any of the embellishments that we have now a days in our movies like smoke screens, lasers, and brilliant lights. So Shakespeare needed to make employments of what he previously had, which were stage bearings in his plays. Shakespeare utilized stage headings in character passages exits quite well, as appeared:- ENTER Prospero in his supernatural shroud, and Ariel. These stage headings give us a psychological picture of Prospero entering, and wearing his enchanted shroud, and nearby him Ariel enters as well. Prosperos garments are likewise extremely critical, as they make Prospero appear to be progressively supernatural:- ENTER Prospero in his otherworldly shroud. This shows Prospero is entering with his mystical shroud, and will most likely play out some enchantment spell or some other enchantment while he is in his otherworldly shroud. Likewise:- Re-enter Ariel, with cap and blade for Prospero. This shows Prospero is preparing to do some increasingly enchantment as he is given his mysterious cap blade. Between the 2 Acts, Act 1 Scene 2 and Act 5 Scene 1, Prosperos contemplations and perspectives to enchantment change significantly. In Act 1 Scene 2, Prospero has figured out how to utilize enchantment from his books, and he wants to utilize it, he utilizes his enchantment to make Ariel perform various assignments for him, similar to the tempest made that wrecked King Alonsos boat and every other person on it. In addition Prospero utilized his enchantment to control the shrewd child of Sycorax, Caliban, Prospero in this demonstration utilizes Caliban as a slave, making him cleave wood and do different errands. With everything taken into account, in Act 1 Scene 2, Prosperos musings and perspectives to enchantment are sure, as he is utilizing enchantment for his own prosperity and for what he needs. What's more, in Act 5 Scene 1, Prosperos contemplations and perspectives towards enchantment begin to change and become adverse as he has understood that he has utilized his enchantment for terrible purposes and is starting to think twice about it, so in this scene he chooses to surrender enchantment, he said that he wouldn't like to proceed with his life of enchantment any longer, and he simply needs to return to being a typical individual and have his dukedom back, and come back to Milan with his little girl Ferdinand and live there for an incredible remainder. Prosperos language towards enchantment in Act 1 Scene 2 was extremely constructive, he utilized bunches of analogies, comparisons and representation procedures to depict his employments of enchantment and how brilliant it was and how helpful it was. Be that as it may, in Act 5 Scene 1, Prosperos language towards enchantment begins to get antagonistic, particularly in his discourse where he at last declares that he will surrender enchantment, he utilizes loads of similar sounding word usage and embodiment in this discourse to portray what he has done and why he figures he should surrender enchantment. In end to this exposition, in Act 1 Scene 2 Prosperos musings and perspectives to enchantment were certain, he thought he was utilizing enchantment for a decent reason as he felt in charge of everything, except in Act 5 Scene 1, Prosperos contemplations and mentalities to enchantment turn negative as he has acknowledged he has utilized his enchantment for terrible purposes, and he likewise trusts it is the finish of his enchantment rein, so he chooses to surrender enchantment and return to his ordinary life, similar to he was before he was sent to the island. This all identifies with demeanor to enchantment at the time on the grounds that in Shakespeares days, everybody accepted there was God, satan, enchantment, witches, magicians, wizards and shrewd, enchantment at the time was viewed as risky, and individuals accepted any individual who realized enchantment was a witch and had satan inside them, yet as you proceed onward in time, fewer and fewer individuals have confidence in enchantment and comparative things, similar to these days in our general public for all intents and purposes nobody has faith in witches and enchantment and wizards and comparative things, since we as a whole have proceeded onward in time, and these things are of a less significance to the vast majority of us, as we don't have as much time and conviction to stress over these kinds of things.

Friday, July 10, 2020

A List of Essay Topics For Your Resume

A List of Essay Topics For Your ResumeDo you want to know how to write an essay topic for your resume? Are you looking for an easy way to boost your chances of getting a job, or landing your dream job? If so, you have come to the right place.Some people don't think that writing a resume is a business; others think it is an art. Well, writing resumes should be just like painting a picture, but you have to do it by hand. It is something that you would be very proud of, and it's something that you would show off to your friends and family members. This means that it requires a lot of practice, dedication, and patience.The other thing you have to remember when looking for a list of essay topics is that you are not the only one who has to read the resume. Your potential employer will look at your resume and if he or she is impressed, they will get in touch with you. So, make sure that you present your resume in the best light possible. Take your time to edit the document.If you really hav e to cram something in the resume, it has to be something that will actually help you with your career. For example, if you are a doctor, then you would need to mention your previous educational qualifications. With this, your employer would know that you are very qualified to work as a doctor.Writing an essay for your resume should be like playing the piano. The first thing you have to do is to choose the topic. You have to make a list of essay topics that interest you, and that will help you decide on the topic that you should write about. After making a list of topics, pick one topic and go for it. Be very careful not to overdo it, otherwise you will end up wasting your time and energy.Once you have written on the topic, you can begin the writing. Be as creative as you can, but at the same time, stay clear about it. You have to keep it simple and clear. Also, remember that if you have some mistakes in the writing, then you will need to explain it in the resume.Writing a resume sh ould be easy and hassle-free, as it is your chance to convince your future employer about you. Now, you can start preparing yourself for that interview. Good luck!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Nike Purpose Statement, Implementation in an Organization - 275 Words

Nike: Purpose Statement and its Implementation in an Organization (Essay Sample) Content: Nikeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Purpose StatementNameInstitution of AffiliationInstructorDateNIKEà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬S PURPOSE STATEMENTAs we were interviewing the manager of the Nike brand in our region, this was the purpose statement which he gave to us. It read like, "We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improves the lives of the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s consumers, now and for the generation to come. As a result, consumers will reward with leadership sales, profit and value creation allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities in which we live and work to prosper" CITATION NIK16 \l 1033 (NIKE Company, 2016)Nike is known to be one of the greatest producers in wear product. From Nike Company statistics, is can be clearly observed that they are attaining their set goals and achievements as they purport in their purpose statement. Their purpose statement is very key as it declares their determination in offering society with quality products and they achieve this. Their existence is motivated by their instinct that they need to provide products for the present society and for the society to come. Thus it is a clear indication that they are there to excel, and they will work innovatively to maintain their trust with the consumers.It is clear from the statistics that the worldwide net income for the Nike company keeps increasing from year to year which justifies that their purpose statement is being achieved. Their products keep on changing depending on the demand of the society. Comparing the type of t...

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find Essay

The Dysfunctional: Psychoanalysis of Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† Murder of women, children, and even a baby is a harsh image used by Flannery O’Connor in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.† The imagery is an effective literary device used to convey ironic tragedy, the struggle of female characters, and the family unit. The story follows a family on a trip to Florida when their journey, interrupted by an ill-fated detour resulting in a car wreck, ends in murder after they cross paths with an escaped convict. Family dysfunction, female struggles, and tragedy are common themes in the stories written by Flannery O’Connor, and her characters often referred to as grotesque. In her story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,† she†¦show more content†¦The stories usually follow a female antagonist, though the character is â€Å"grotesque,† and meets predictable tragic end, who, as a flawed hero, finds redemption. The flaws realistically depict her characters as human, pro ne to human emotional issues, products of their environments, and influenced by the relationships with other flawed humans. Although O’Connor has said that her writings try to reveal a failure of society to follow Christianity, as stated by Mark T. Mitchell, she â€Å"†¦ writes as both a Catholic and a Southerner†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"although the Catholicism is generally far more subtle than her Southernness.† (Mitchell). The stories also effectively demonstrate the dysfunction of families and an individual’s tendency to be self-centered. In the South Atlantic Review, Julie Buckner Armstrong explains that during, â€Å"†¦ O’Connor’s graduate training at the University of Iowa, [ ] she learned that being a good writer meant eliminating a (feminine) gendered voice from her fiction.† (Armstrong 130). Her debilitating disease, isolation, southern upbringing, religious beliefs, and a desire to have the male dominated literary commun ity seriously consider her works as a female writer influenced her writing style. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,† the antagonist remains nameless, simply referred to as the grandmother. The grandmother is prim and proper, and portrayed as a typical matriarch. However, she freely criticizes her son,Show MoreRelated Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard To Find Essay1144 Words   |  5 PagesFlannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find is one of the most well-known short stories in American history. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is a disturbing short story that exemplifies grace in extremity as well as the threat of an intruder. The story tells of an elderly grandmother and her family who embark on a road trip to Florida. The grandmother is a stubborn old woman with a low sense of morality. While on the trip, the grandmother convinces her son to take a detour which results in a brokenRead MoreFlannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Revelation1436 Words   |  6 Pagesand racism, which is observed in the perspective of black and white individuals. Some of the most familiar southern authors are William Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor, and Cormac McCarthy. One author in particular, Flannery O’Connor, is a remarkable author, who directly reflects upon southern grotesque within her two short stories, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† and â€Å"Revelation.† These two short stories are very similar to each other, which is why I believe that O’Connor often writes with violent charactersRead MoreFlannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find1171 Words   |  5 Pages When one first begins to read A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O’Connor, one is assailed by the humorous petty grievances of a mother living under her son’s roof disrespected by her grandchildren and lonely in a house filled with people, clutching at memories of days long passed similar to the Tennessee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie. As the story unfolds one begins to see the indifference of Bailey toward his family in general and especially his mother—rightly so, as the ‘old lady’Read MoreFlannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay1071 Words   |  5 PagesFlannery O’Connor had her roots set in Milledgeville, Georgia, which happens to be one of many states that when combined, form what is known as the â€Å"Bible Belt† of America. In respect to this, O’Connor talks about her beliefs: â€Å"This means that for me the meaning of life is centered in our Redemption by Christ and what I see in the world I see in relation to that† (O’Connor 482-483). As O’Connor was a devout Catholic, violence was not a direct preaching, but Joyce Carol Oates writes that â€Å"succumbingRead More The Misfit in Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find466 Words   |  2 PagesThe Misfit in Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find I feel that the Grandmother in the story A Good Man is Hard to Find suffers from psychological conditions. She does not care at all about anyone but herself. I feel that she may even be narcissistic. It is ironic because she would be expected to look out for her family. The Cambridge Dictionary defines narcissism as too much interest in and admiration for your own physical appearance and/or your own abilities It is ironic becauseRead MoreIrony and Foreshadowing in Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find1604 Words   |  7 PagesAs I read Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, I find myself being completely consumed by the rich tale that the author weaves; a tragic and ironic tale that concisely and precisely utilizes irony and foreshadowing with expert skill. As the story progresses, it is readily apparent that the story will end in a tragic and predictable state due to the devices which O’Connor expertly employs and th usly, I find that I cannot stop reading it; the plot grows thicker with everyRead MoreA False Reality in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find537 Words   |  3 Pages In most of Flannery O’Connor’s short stories a number of characters have a hard time seeing an ultimate reality in their life. They tend to have a distorted grasp on reality but not all in the same way. In the story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,† the Misfit and the Grandmother are prime examples. The actions and the way of life of the Misfit and Grandmother are mostly due to the fact that they are living in an false reality where they are in their own little world, where in the Misfit’s worldRead More Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay example1357 Words   |  6 Pages Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find A Good Man is Hard to Find presents a masterful portrait of a woman who creates a self and a world through language. At least that is what Mary Jane Shenck thinks of the Flannery OConnor story. Several different people have several different views of this controversial and climatic work of OConnors. In this paper I will take a look at these different views of different situations and characters in this book. First we will take a look atRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†755 Words   |  4 PagesThe concept of being a â€Å"good† person has painted the picture of how people have handled their lives throughout history. On the same note, this concept has also been the subject of much debate; such is the case in Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. The protagonist, the unnamed grandmother struggles to find the â€Å"good† in others and herself. O’Conner uses foreshadowing, characterization, and a distinct point of view to make her point. In my interpretation, her point is that only throughRead More Turns and Twists in Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find1230 Words   |  5 PagesTurns and Twists in Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find Irony is a useful tool for giving stories unexpected turns and twists. In Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find, irony is used as a very effective literary tool; to guide the story in and out of what we think will happen. OConnor uses irony in this story to contradict statements and situations to expose a truth very much different from what we the reader would think to be true. OConnor use irony in several different

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Striped Pajamas By Mark Herman - 949 Words

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (Mark Herman) The Holocaust, being one of the most tragic events in history, has found itself becoming an influence in popular cinema as a way to delve into the endless stories of the experience. One movie, in particular, that presents the Holocaust in a more empathetic light is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, directed by Mark Herman. The movie resonated well with the audience and has accumulated many nominations and awards. How this was achieved was through a narrative of two young boys, a German and a Jew, who come across each other in unknowingly disheartening circumstances and develop a friendship that ultimately ends in tragedy. Presentation, context, and accuracy were key factors that had brought this story to fame. The director’s intent was subtle. The movie was presented unbiasedly but it slowly progressed to show the director’s distaste for the treatment in Concentration Camps and the Holocaust in general. By presenting both personal accounts of the children and their families, the audience is brought to a more sympathetic level as a way to better understand the emotion of the experience. A visual cue, however, that would possibly indicate the director’s intent would be the usage of color. Within scenes of distaste towards the Germans were shown in darker tones. The dialogue was also a bit more biased. For example, whenever the German child’s parents would interact with him, the parent’s dialogue proved to be more distant orShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of the Film The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Directed by Mark Herman817 Words   |  4 PagesThe best fictional movie of World War II is â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas† directed by Mark Herman. The mo vie is based on the novel written by John Boyne and the story is told from a German child’s view during the Holocaust. The general message the director and writer so vividly portrayed is that of a child’s innocence and young friendship. â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas† has a good storyline, great choice in actors, and overall it was thought-provoking and effective in showing a differentRead MoreAnalysis Of The Boy In The Striped Pajamas1659 Words   |  7 Pagesstands out the most is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.   Made in 2008, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, is a Holocaust movie filmed from the frame of reference of an eight-year-old boy.   The director-writer, Mark Herman took the story of two boys, written by John Boyne, and developed a masterpiece (The Boy in).   With the use of these two boys, Mark Herman takes the divide of cultural bias and economic injustices and links them together.   The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is an accomplished film made withRead MoreThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne1152 Words   |  5 PagesIn the movie â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,† a story is told of an innocent child’s forbidden friendship during World War II in Germany. Despite all the inhumane treatment of Jews right in front of this young boy, his character is extremely naà ¯ve to the reality of what the Nazi’s actually do to the Jews. The overall message the director and writer so vividly portrayed is that of innocence and friendship. What you expect to feel from a film that centered on the Holocaust was compassion and outrageRead MoreThe Theme Of Indifference In Night And Night1292 Words   |  6 Pagesdepicts the theme of indifference through the main character, Eliezer. Night is not only a nonfiction novel about the Holocaust, but is written by a Jewish boy who was in an actual concentration camp. In addition, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, a film directed by Mark Herman, is also a n impressive work that demonstrates the idea of indifference. The movie was based off of a fiction novel written that tells the story of a Nazi soldier’s son named Bruno that befriends a Jewish boy he meets at a nearbyRead MoreEssay on The Short Life of Anne Frank by Gerrit Netten2196 Words   |  9 Pagescinema dramatization of real events ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ by Mark Herman. I will be focusing on how each director uses techniques to show true aspects of real life, and how this persuades the audience into believing that they are witnessing something accurate, and true to the directors intention. Gerrit Netten’s 2001 documentary ‘The Short Life of Anne Frank’ and Mark Herman’s 2008 historical drama based film ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’, are both based on the innocence perceivedRead MoreBoy in Striped Pajamas1470 Words   |  6 PagesThe Boy In Striped Pajamas: A Movie Analysis The film is an emotional experience highlighting the tragedy of innocence, using the point of view of an eight-year-old German boy to expose the raw psychological devastation of the era. Its an unnerving film with a knockout punch for an ending, but it feels more acceptable as an educational piece than a profoundly rewarding work of drama. This movie is based on a book that goes by the same name, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, written by John BoyneRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Boy s The Striped Pajamas 1035 Words   |  5 Pagesin the Striped Pajamas†, I will be breaking down the story. Starting with the beginning introducing the main protagonist and antagonist of the movie. Then introducing the main conflict and how the protagonist tried to fix this problem, and how it was solved. The final paragraph will break down the movie even further by explaining symbols, showing what they mean, and how this movie depicted the real world. To start off, The movie â€Å"The boy in the striped pajamas† was directed by Mark Herman. The StoryRead MoreResponse to Genocide906 Words   |  4 Pagesdesperation, a sense of helplessness and fear in the face of acts, such as oppression and genocide. During these times, it is the responsibility of the world community to step in. This is proved to be true by the novel Night, the movie The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and by the article called â€Å"A Secret Life.† In the novel, Night, by Elie Wiesel purposely incorporated brief moments, where his desperation of survival in the concentration camps, overrode his relationship and his concern for his own father.Read MoreSociological Movie Review: Boy in the Striped Pajamas1753 Words   |  8 PagesSociological Movie Review The movie that I watched that has many references to our introduction to sociology course is The Boy In the Striped Pajamas. The Boy In the Striped Pajamas is about a little 8 year old boy named Bruno who must move to the country side with his family because his father who is a General in the Nazi military becomes assigned command of a Jewish concentration camp. The house that the family moves into is close to the concentration camp; Bruno can see the camp from his bedroomRead MoreThe Films Were Conceptualized By John Boyne1848 Words   |  8 PagesThe films explore the British history that was released in 2008. The films were conceptualized by John Boyne. Mark Herman was behind the recording of the movie under the company named Miramax Films produced it. In the movie, a Holocaust drama is featured about the rule of Nazi. The extermination of World War II happened before the incumbent eight-year-old sons of highly administrative influential personnel; Nazi commandant and his Jewi sh inmate famously identified as Scanlon. The story reflects

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Plan for Uob - 9801 Words

Executive Summary UOB has been the market leader in the field of credit and debit card businesses since it was established in Singapore in year 1935. Through its long historic accomplishment, it is now the leading bank in the Asia Pacific Region. UOB Lady’s Card was launched in the year of 1989, targeting women, with a comprehensive understanding of the needs of women and the desires of their heart Over the next twelve months, UOB will re launch the Lady’s Card into the market, with greater benefits and privileges exclusively tailored for women. This is done so that the card may remain relevant as more and more women are stepping into society and that the mindset of the generation presently are completely different as compared to†¦show more content†¦ Company Mission Statement The mission statement of UOB, state as: â€Å" Our mission is to be a Premier Bank in the Asia- Pacific region, committed to providing Quality Products and Excellent Customer Service.† (UOB Group, 2012, Our Missions and Objectives, UOB Group, viewed 15 August 2012) With the outstanding performance through the years of UOB, its mission statement has been realistic and it certainly have helped the company to stay on track and to achieve its vision of being a premier bank, as it has eventually became the top leading bank Asia and the Asia Pacific region. The mission has greatly equipped the bank with the right attitude and goals to help achieve its vision. By being committed to providing quality products and excellent customer service, it paved the way for great excellence which is a key factor to become an outstanding bank in comparison with the other competitors. Company Objectives Over the years, UOB objective is to be seen and be known as a leader in the field of consumer and commercial banking services in the region. And to do so, they have came up with innovative treasury and investment banking products to provide an absolute solutions to their customers. Being theShow MoreRelatedMarketing Plan - Playstation 43832 Words   |  16 Pages UoB No 12001015 2 Table of Contents 1 2 Executive Summary............................................................................................................3 Situation Analysis...............................................................................................................4 2.1 Internal Environment...................................................................................................4 General.................................................................Read MoreMarketing Plan - Playstation 43825 Words   |  16 Pages UoB No 12001015 2 Table of Contents 1 2 Executive Summary............................................................................................................3 Situation Analysis...............................................................................................................4 2.1 Internal Environment...................................................................................................4 General....................................................................Read MoreNew Product Marketing Plan4260 Words   |  18 PagesSYNERGY 3-in-1 Laundry System Marketing Plan Laundry is no longer a chore with DIVA! Synergy TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Pg 3 SITUATION ANALYSIS †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...Pg 3 2.1 3.0 4.0 Target Market †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Pg 4 NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCTION †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Pg 5 SWOT ANALYSIS †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦......Pg 6 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Strengths †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Pg 6 Weaknesses †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Pg 7 Opportunities †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreLenovo: Brand Observation Portfolio5352 Words   |  22 Pagesconcerned bus iness from IBM. Primary activities: Inbound Logistics; Operation; Outbound Logistics; Marketing and Sales; Service. Lenovo does all the operations from the cargo to the assembly production, from the product-sells to the post-sale service. This has helped company realize the large scale production and cost efficiency. In sales aspect, the company provides many kinds of purchases and the marketing channels. The customer can directly get the product through the on-line purchase and the storeRead MoreA Study on Singapore Grand Prix13290 Words   |  54 Pages4.4.1 World Class IT Infrastructure 41 4.4.2 Logistics Hub 41 4.4.3 Tertiary Education related to Automotive Industry 41 Chapter 5 - Marketing Strategy 43 5.0 Marketing 43 5.1 Marketing Mission 43 5.2 Marketing Objectives 44 5.3 Target Groups 44 5.4 Market Positioning 46 5.5 Marketing Plan 46 5.5.1 Marketing Plan – Sculpting Market Offerings 47 5.5.2 Marketing Plan – Communicating Values 50 Chapter 6 - Kingsmen Creatives Ltd’s Involvement in Singapore Grand Prix 55 6.0 Introduction to Kingsmen CreativeRead MoreHardware and Software Used in Public Bank7399 Words   |  30 Pagesfunction contained within the CRM system must allow Public Bank to formulate its overall marketing and business strategy plan. This function is based upon calculations performed by the CRM platform that produces profitability by asset and liability type followed by the complete drill down to all basic components such as profitability from deposits and loans. 3. Features -CRM platform should be available to all marketing staff, management and any other sales related area of Public Bank. The monitor screensRead MoreAn International Financial Services Group6096 Words   |  25 PagesPrudential Al-Wara’ Asset Management Berhad, launches in Malaysia. 2010 Prudential plc is listed on stock exchanges in Hong Kong and Singapore. Prudential enters into a long-term strategic bancassurance partnership with United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) to distribute Prudential’s products across Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand. 2012 Prudential’s Asia fund management business is rebranded as Eastspring Investments. 2013 Prudential Polska is launched in Poland. 2014 Prudential acquires businessesRead MoreDtac Business Analysis38421 Words   |  154 Pages ABSTRACT Date: Program: Course Authors Teacher Title Strategic question Purpose 2008-05-26 International Marketing Master Thesis International Marketing (EF0705) Parunya Vanasakul Ploychompoo Wankeao Supisra Arayaphong (830422) (850418) (831102) Tobias Eltebrandt The battle of DTAC in Thailand’s mobile phone operator market How can DTAC gain higher market share by focusing on customers in Bangkok? The purpose of this research is to investigate, analyze current competition between DTAC and otherRead MoreDtac Business Analysis38437 Words   |  154 Pages ABSTRACT Date: Program: Course Authors Teacher Title Strategic question Purpose 2008-05-26 International Marketing Master Thesis International Marketing (EF0705) Parunya Vanasakul Ploychompoo Wankeao Supisra Arayaphong (830422) (850418) (831102) Tobias Eltebrandt The battle of DTAC in Thailand’s mobile phone operator market How can DTAC gain higher market share by focusing on customers in Bangkok? The purpose of this research is to investigate, analyze current competition between DTAC and other

A Brief Note On Environmental Impacts Of Fracking

Environmental Impacts of Fracking In 2011, a report released by the International Energy Agency claims the world is entering the â€Å"Golden Age of Gas.† The report shows that, with the increasing projects of fracking, gas use will escalate 50 percent and replace coal to become the second largest fuel by the year of 2035 (IEA). Correspondingly, one study illustrates the increased practice of fracking has brought $ 74 billion economic gain per year since 2007 (Dews). Also, one oil company claims that more than 200,000 jobs were created by fracking related operations. These statements point out the operation of fracking can bring robust economic benefits to the society. However, these statements only focus on the bright side of fracking. They did not indicate how fracking will affect the environment. Since 2010, fracking has raised many concerns about environmental impacts, including water contaminations, earth tremors, and air pollutions. Also, anti-fracking activists highligh t the lacking of operational information and data of fracking companies makes tremendous toxic substances flow into the earth. They believe government should enforce more transparencies and regulations on fracking companies. Despite of economic benefits, due to its immense environmental impacts, people should stop practicing fracking until scientific researchers ensure its safety. Fracking is a technique that can increase the gas production in drilling wells. The basic process of fracking is injectingShow MoreRelatedThe And The Revolution Of America s New On Our Children s Health And Future2119 Words   |  9 Pagestalking here about global warming, and â€Å"deniers† versus â€Å"warmists.† We’re talking about the game-changing new set of unconventional oil and gas extraction technologies and techniques collectively known as hydraulic fracturing, or â€Å"fracking.† Ask the most hardcore of pro-fracking boosters for their take, and they’ll describe the modern miracle of America’s new-found energy independence, a reality almost inconceivable just a decade ago. For them, the oil and gas boom around the U.S. has helped to rebootRead MoreExxon Mobile Capstone40455 Words   |  162 Pages................................................ 9   Level  1  Analysis .................................................................................................................................................................10   MACRO  ENVIRONMENTAL  FORCES  ANALYSIS,  ECONOMIC  TRENDS  AND  ETHICAL  CONCERNS .....................................................................10   Upstream  and  Downstream  Oil  and  Natural  Gas .......................................................................

Effect Of Coal Mining On The Environment And Human Health - Sample

Question: Discuss about the Effect Of Coal Mining On The Environment And Human Health Case Study Analysis Of Carmichael Coal Answer: Title of the research study Effect of coal mining on the environment and human health- A case study analysis of Carmichael coal Problem Statement Coal mining is considered as the initial step in the dirty lifecycle of coal that origin deforestation as well as releases toxic amounts of minerals and heavy metals into soil and water (Werner et al., 2016). In addition, the effect of mining coal actually perseveres for years after coal is uninvolved. The study had been conducted to understand the possessions of coal mining on the environment and human health for Carmichael coal. The company is a planned thermal coal mine in the north of the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland, Australia. Furthermore, mining is planned that need to be carry out by open-cut as well as underground technique. Aims and objectives The main aim of the research proposal is to highlight the effects of coal mining on the environment and human health for the Australian mining company named as Carmichael coal (Werner et al., 2015). In order to get insights of information, it is needed to have some important objectives and these are as follows: To understand the effects of coal mining on the environment and human health based on the Australian coal mining firm named as Carmichael coal To identify the problems and issues faced by Carmichael coal To provide Carmichael coal with suggestions that will help the company to get access to safe environment and healthy lifestyle of human beings Methodology: Literature sources As rightly put forward by Morrice Colagiuri (2013), bad mining perform actually ignites coal fires that can burn for decade, releases fly ash as well as smoke laden with greenhouse gasses and toxic chemicals. In addition, the coal mining actually discharges coal mine methane where the greenhouse gases are 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Furthermore, coal dust gulp of air actual effect black lung ailment among miners and mine incidents that actually kill thousands every year As opined by Melody Johnston (2015), coal mining itself displaces entire communities, coal fires, contaminated water supplies as well as forced off their land and subsistence level in coal mines. Common health threats posed by coal mining According to Finkelman Tian (2017), black lung disease is caused when coal miners breathe in coal dust as well as carbon that harden the lungs. On analysis, it is noted that there is worse situation in the developing countries. Chronic constructive pulmonary disease, hypertension as well as lung disease and kidney disease had been found in higher than normal rates among the population who live near coal mines. In addition, toxic levels of arsenic, mercury and fluorine are emitted by coal fires that enter in the food chain and who live at nearby places. Therefore, mine collapses as well as accidents, in actual kill thousands of workers in and across the world each year Coal mining harms health of workers and residents Coal mining is the fossil fuel on the planet that actually represents both miners as well as local populations to physical condition hazards. Threat to mine workers- Individuals who work in mines or live nearby had to inhale coal dust and carbon that actually hardens their lungs and leads to black lung disease. Threat to local individual- Individuals who live near coal mines have elevated than regular rates of hypertension, lung disease and kidney disease. In addition, local communities actually suffer when there is occurrence of coal. These fires emit toxic levels of arsenic, mercury as well as fluorine and impurity that enter the air and food chain in the local society (Mactaggart et al., 2017). Data series and surveys The researcher will be conducting secondary research through use of qualitative data. Thematic analysis will be used by the researcher where they will use themes from the identified objectives of the research study. There are two types of data that need to be taken into consideration by the researcher such as inclusive data and exclusive data. Exclusive data are those data or information that is published before 2012. Inclusive data are those data or information that is published after 2012. In the present study, the researcher will be using inclusive data that is the most updated and useful ones as it consist of information that link with the present scenario. Outdated information serves no purpose in actual so it is excluded by the researcher at first place. Secondary sources of information are used by the researcher. The potential sources are journal articles, websites and books. References Finkelman, R. B., Tian, L. (2017). The health impacts of coal use in Australia.International Geology Review, 1-11. Mactaggart, F., McDermott, L., Tynan, A., Gericke, C. A. (2017). Exploring the determinants of health and wellbeing in communities living in proximity to coal seam gas developments in regional Queensland.BMC Public Health,18(1), 51. Melody, S. M., Johnston, F. H. (2015). Coal mine fires and human health: What do we know?.International Journal of Coal Geology,152, 1-14. Morrice, E., Colagiuri, R. (2013). Coal mining, social injustice and health: A universal conflict of power and priorities.Health place,19, 74-79. Werner, A. K., Vink, S., Watt, K., Jagals, P. (2015). Environmental health impacts of unconventional natural gas development: a review of the current strength of evidence.Science of the Total Environment,505, 1127-1141. Werner, A. K., Watt, K., Cameron, C. M., Vink, S., Page, A., Jagals, P. (2016). All-age hospitalization rates in coal seam gas areas in Queensland, Australia, 19952011.BMC public health,16(1), 125.

Beryls Chocolate free essay sample

Beryl’s Chocolate and Confectionery Sdn Bhd was established in 1995 with the mission to produce premium quality chocolate and fine confectionery delicacies. Quality, innovation and good services are Beryl’s priorities and commitments to consumers. Beryl’s chocolate use only the finest ingredients and materials to produce our products, starting with the selection of cocoa beans and ending with good quality packaging materials. Beryl’s company believed that it is the quality of the cocoa beans which are used that give the chocolate the taste.Therefore, Beryl’s chocolates are made from cocoa beans from Ghana, one of the countries that is best known for its high quality cocoa beans. Each of our products is produced with stringent quality controls to ensure that our products are of high quality and meet customers’ expectation. Backed with a group of creative and innovative employees, we always improve and expand our product varieties to meet the demand of consumers. We will write a custom essay sample on Beryls Chocolate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Recently, we have widened our product varieties into producing sugar free chocolate bars.Besides producing chocolate under our own brand, we also do contract manufacturing and private label manufacturing. Through continuous research, our experienced RD department is capable of producing and developing any kinds of chocolate catering to customers’ requirements. Beryl’s products are sold both locally and overseas. In Malaysia, our products are available in most of the major supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, duty free shops and souvenir shops. Our present export markets are Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, Macau, Maldives, Brunei, New Zealand and Indonesia.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Posh Pastries Entering the South America

Introduction Posh Pastries is a US-based organization that specializes in the production of pastries. Following resounding success in Northern Mexico, the company now intends on entering the South American market through Colombia. A country analysis revealed that Colombia’s political and economic situation is quite promising. Posh’s products have a two-month shelf life, which allows for overseas shipping.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Posh Pastries Entering the South America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nonetheless, many consumers value the taste of freshly-baked pastries. As a result, this organization will ship some of its products from the USA and also prepare others at the chosen location in Colombia. The project will lead to cultural exchanges between the US and Colombia because most desserts in the target market do not consist of pastries. Since Posh Pasties will be offering something new, chances are that the organization will do relatively well. Expansion into the South American country will require a sum of $526,150. Currently, the organization already has a series of equipment and supplies to create its products. Nonetheless, the freshly-made ones will require investment in new personnel, equipment supplies, marketing efforts and facilities. These costs have all been included in the budget. The business expansion will diversify the business and boost its revenue streams. It will also foster cultural and political ties between the US and Colombia. The evaluation plan will measure the extent to which Posh Pastries achieves those results by looking at the revenue streams that some into the company after the project. It should record an increase of approximately 5% by the first year and this should increase by another 5% in the subsequent year. The business will also analyze how effective Posh Pastries was at fostering cultural connections through an annual surv ey. Individuals in the chosen location will respond to a questionnaire in which they will state whether they are familiar with pastries sold at Posh. They will also state whether these foods have fostered an appreciation of American foods. Statement of the Problem Many people around the world are familiar with the American way of life. They have watched Hollywood films, which reflect only some aspects of American living. None-English speaking countries like Colombia may not be as cultural sensitive to the US as other English-speaking nations since they cannot follow these films. It is necessary to consider another platform that would speak universally to people, and food is one avenue. Expanding a food business overseas would facilitate cultural sensitivity in a way that conventional methods would not. Traditionally, business lunches have brought people together in the most unrelated cultures. The food that Americans eat is symptomatic of their culture. It is a collection of the geo graphy, the history and traditions that the country has enjoyed over the centuries.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, when a food business expands into a foreign market, it engages in cultural diplomacy. The US is in need of a medium that will celebrate the richness and uniqueness of American cuisine. A small or intermediate enterprise can achieve this goal effortlessly (Wilk, 2006). Posh Pastries is a medium-sized business that has been doing relatively well in its home country. Further, it has done well in the few foreign countries it has chosen so far. It requires new opportunities that will grow the business and take it to the next level. Companies that keep growing have a higher chance of succeeding than those that stagnate. The company needs exposure to a different way of conducting business, and Colombia could be that answer. It is a given fact that the US is a mature market. Some countries around the world are at different levels of economic growth. Therefore, they may not have accessed some of the products that are so common to US consumers. Posh Pastries is facing stiff competition from a diverse array of pastry makers in it base markets. It needs to diversify its business by going across the border and finding markets that are not as saturated as the US. Project details Goals and objectives The purpose of this project is to increase revenue for Posh Pastries. As stated earlier, the company operates in a mature market where growth prospects are minimal. It is necessary to have an alternative that will reverse this stagnant growth. Net increases in revenue should be an indicator that the strategy is working. Another key goal for entering Colombia is to boost cultural ties between the US and Colombia. The dietary customs of the Colombian people are significantly different from the ones in the American market. Therefore, this busines s intends on acting as a site for cultural and political exchanges. It intends on fostering an appreciation of American foods by influencing the eating habits of the Colombian people. Clientele The organization targets the average Colombian consumer. Posh Pastries will select convenience stores that have a high rate of visibility in the capital. Pastries tend to be consumed on the go; therefore, persons need to see the items easily. These goods will be within the price range of other baked goods in the location. Therefore, buyers are likely to represent middle-income consumers.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Posh Pastries Entering the South America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sweet things are usually not planned expenditures; this means that persons with some extra money to spare will buy the items. Since Colombia’s economy is doing relatively well, it is likely that a substantial portion of the population will have some discretionary cash. Clients in urban areas are ideal for this business because their population density will sustain Posh Pastries. Persons living in metropolitan areas are also more open to new culinary ideas than people in the rural areas. University students will also provide a good consumer base. One of the convenience stores selling the commodity will be near a prominent university (Barrow et. al., 2008). Methods The organization will partner with local grocery stores to stock their products within their facilities. Since the pastries are exceptionally flavored and use superior ingredients, it will not be advisable to place them in supermarkets. Posh pastries will also have its own stores where it will sell its products exclusively. At this location, customers can find freshly-baked goods, which may not be available in the other locations. Therefore, the entry strategy into Colombia will entail direct importing and joint ventures. These local stores sp eak the same language as the target consumers. They also have thorough knowledge of the Colombian food market, so they will enrich Posh Pastries’ skill levels.   Besides the joint venture, it will be necessary to have a local branch in the country. This approach will ascertain that customers know how the freshly-made versions taste. It will lure buyers into the location simply because of the smell. All the partners working together with the organization will receive training on how to display the pastries attractively. Since visual stimulation is a key marketing tool, then all the grocery stores must learn how to do store displays. Administration and staff All the conveniences stores, as well as the branches working with Posh Pastries in Colombia, will be under a country manager. The person will have a branch manager in each store to oversee operations. These managers will be responsible for the creation of marketing and promotional strategies, expansion and other aspects o f business operation in Colombia.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A cashier will be imperative in the business as he or she will receive cash and issue receipts for orders made. The business will have pastry chefs in the local bakery. Here, a head chef will plan the day’s baking schedule. He or she will also oversee the preparation, decoration and completion of orders. In some circumstances when client traffic is overwhelming, the head chef will also participate in cooking. Other pastry chefs will carry out routine baking. They will also decorate and present the items. Each shop will have a busboy who will clean the shop as well as the baking utensils. There will be sales assistants who will sell the product and ensure that others meet customer needs. Available resources Posh Pastries has already been in business in four countries. Therefore, it has capital for running a Pastry business successfully. First, the organization has equipment like the industrial mixer. It also has a double stack oven, work tables, display cases, stovetop ranges, cash registers and cooking utensils. Some of these utensils include stencils, baking sheets, pans, and plastic spatulas. These equipments are in the US where workers make products and then ship them to intended locations. However, since t the company will combine local production with shipping in this project, then these equipments will need to be replicated in the said market. Other than equipment, Posh Pastries already has locations in the US, where it makes the pastries. The baking facilities are already in good condition, so they do not require any renovation. These locations will account for a substantial portion of the shipped goods. Additionally, the company has a series of pastry chefs, and managers within the business. These individuals have vast knowledge of what it takes to succeed in the highly competitive US pastry market.  Since the organization has been doing relatively well, it has some financial resources needed to expand into Colombia. However, this money is not enough. An external source of funding will boost the company’s project by preventing it from using its internal revenue. Some intangible assets available in the company include knowledge about pastry making, media advertising and campaign strategies. The organization also knows selection of prime locations, employee training, selection of business partners, and consumer targeting.  Posh Pastries has acquired some knowledge about the Colombian food market. The organization has already researched about the flexible nature of food tastes in the country. It has also identified the best locations for the business. These are areas that have high foot traffic, a relatively young population as well as middle income earners. This company also has knowledge of the competitive situation in the country. It will also replicate the success it has reported in Mexico by maintaining the display systems and operations used in this country. Needed resources Personnel Most of the pastry chefs and managers available are in the US. It will be necessary to hire persons from Colombia. Branch managers need to come from the country as they will already have their own convenience stores. However, country managers will come from the US as they will bring expertise from Posh pastries’ thriving business. Additionally, the head pastry chef will also come from the US branch, but other chefs should be Colombian locals. They ought to receive training on how to prepare the goods before they can start work. A total of six branch managers is necessary. All other casual employees such as the busboy, cashier, sales persons will come from Colombia. It is essential to get these people from the local community because they understand local payment systems, they know about the business culture and the working hours in those areas. They will speak to consumers and other partners in a language that they understand. Facilities Some of the partnering convenience stores will already possess premises for the sale of those goods. However, the company will also have its own bakery located in the target country. It is advisable to rent the premises other than purchase it; at least for the first few months. A place of 1,600 square feet will be necessary. Rent payment for the first 12 months is essential. Inside the convenience stores, Posh Pastries will require display cases. There will also be an office for the country manager as the person will conduct media strategies and make other decisions in this location. Equipment, supplies and communication The available equipment cannot be transported to the new target country. Therefore, Posh Pastries will have to purchase new equipment for the successful creation of a bakery in Colombia. The company will need a double stack oven, and industrial mixer, work tables, display cases, fridges, cash register, stovetop range, and a coffee machine. It is advisable for the organization to have enough supplies to cover operating costs fo r the first twelve months. Therefore, the organization needs to purchase baking flour, baking powder, milk, sugar, oil, butter, vanilla, vinegar, eggs, preservatives, dried coconut, chocolate, cocoa and salt. Workers will purchase these items in bulk at the beginning of the project. However those that do not keep well, like butter and milk should be purchased daily or at least weekly. Advertisements on key media outlets like radio, magazines and the internet will be the main communication channels. The organization will investment in placement of advertisements on well-known magazines in the country. These publications will have high circulation rates around the selected locations. Posh Pastries will also open a website for the Colombian population. It will contain colorful depictions of the product offerings as well as where to find them. This company will also advertise on the internet by targeting likely sites for Colombian cuisine. Radio advertisements will talk about where the products are and how they can be derived (Barrow et. al., 2008). Budget The following is a budget for the first year of operation in Colombia. Amount Price per item Total cost Capital expenditure Fridges 3 $1,300 $3,900 Display cases 7 $2,000 $14,000 Industrial mixer 1 $3,000 $3,000 Cash registers 7 $100 $700 Work tables 4 $100 $400 Double stack ovens 3 $2,500 $7,500 Stovetop range 2 $700 $1,400 Rubbish bins 2 $100 $200 Coffee machine 1 $350 $350 Utensils 30 $ 90 $2,700 Operating costs Annual material costs(baking flour etc) $300,000 $300,000 Advertising $150,000 Rent for one year 1 $28,000 $28,000 Manager’s office 1 $14,000 $14,000 Licensing costs $1,000 Transportation of supplies $130,000 Import costs $200,000 Salaries 25 $150,000 Total annual cost $526,150 Evaluation plan As stated earlier, the purpose of expanding into Colombia is to increase net sales. The organization’s net sales are dependent on a number of factors; each factor requires evaluation in equal measure. First, the company will start with the annual increase in net sales. This percentage should be no less than 5% in the first year, and the same will apply in the subsequent year. However, if the firm does not achieve these targets, the project will still not be a failure if other parameters indicate a change of dynamics. First, the business will assess the length of time it takes to make a new product. It will then compare this to the amount of time that it takes to receive the full payment. This procedure will not be necessary when considering the local products. However, it will be quite useful when analyzing the goods that Posh will ship into the country. If this process takes longer than a month, then the company may need to consider making all the goods locally. The company will also assess the effort or time it takes to make a sale in the convenience store. Foot traffic is the main source of customer awarene ss. Therefore, if it takes too much effort to make a sale, then the organization is not doing well. Other indicators of success will be the staff turnover rate. High employee turnovers indicate that the company culture is not conducive. This could compromise on the quality of products made as different employees would interpret the recipes differently. This figure should not be lower than Posh Pastries’ turnover in the US. Additionally the country manager must analyze the safety and health records of the business. The business will also carry out an analysis of the customer complaints. If these seem to be reducing instead of increasing, then the business is doing well.  Certain external factors may affect the success of the project. These include foreign exchange rates as well as economic growth in the US and the target market. Changes in supply chains such as the ban of key ingredients or excessive increases in price may affect outcomes. Even entry of new competitors or al terations in customer demographics may come in the way. If net sales reduce due to these factors, then the business will need to mitigate those changes through different alternatives.  The second objective of expanding Posh Pastries into Colombia is to foster cultural exchange. It is a difficult thing to measure the rate of culture change in any setting. However, some quantitative approaches would still give the company an idea of how well it is faring. One way of assessing this change would be to understand current cultures first. The organization could select a focus group in which it asks participants what their favorite desserts or treats are. These groups could be separated into ten to twelve members. One year after operating in the business, the company could randomly select individuals who live within the six targeted locations. It could ask them about their favorite baked treats. If they mention Posh Pastries’ products, interviewers could determine whether they have developed an appreciation of American things. An increase in affirmative responses will show that some cultural exchange occurred. References Barrow, C., Barrow, P., Brown, R., NetLibrary, I. (2008). The business plan workbook: The definitive guide to researching, writing up and presenting a winning plan. Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Wilk, R. (2006). Fast Food/Slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System. Lanham: Altamira Press. This proposal on Posh Pastries Entering the South America was written and submitted by user Raymond T. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, April 17, 2020

A Sample Essay on Why Drop From Program

A Sample Essay on Why Drop From ProgramThis is a sample essay on why you are dropping from the University of Notre Dame. This sample essay will give you ideas about what it takes to be successful in your future career.'Why Drop From Program?' No one is going to go to school to be able to drop out. I have been in this program for the last two years and I will continue to be until graduation. I want to make sure that I am doing everything possible to build my future.There are different things that every student has to deal with when entering college. They have a lot of work to do and a lot of money to buy. This is not all fun though. There are also very strict rules that must be followed. If the rules aren't followed or are broken, students will get thrown out of the program.The sample essay on why drop from the program is simply a way to try to set myself up for success in my future. My life as an undergraduate will be very different than it was before. I have a lot to learn and an ev en bigger responsibility. It's a lot to handle but I know that I can handle it.Before I found out that I was going to be dropping out, I learned a lot of things that were needed in order to succeed in my UND career. I was going to make my own time and be responsible for myself. I had a chance to use my time wisely and for my own good.I learned how to manage my time better and how to give myself enough time to complete my courses. One of the things that I was taught was to eat healthy food. I also learned that being physically fit is a very important aspect of being a successful person.I also knew how to maintain a good grade in class and that being a good student will make me happy in the future. I have found that there are a lot of people who don't know what it takes to be successful in college. As a student, I want to make sure that I am doing everything possible to build my future.In my last semester of college, I learned a lot about what it takes to be successful. I learned abou t my future career. And, I learned that I need to be responsible for myself and work hard in order to achieve success.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Why Im Afraid of Bees essays

Why Im Afraid of Bees essays The story starts off with Gary Lutz sitting under his big oak tree in his back yard reading his comic books. Then Gary's pain in the butt neighbor, Mr. Andretti, keeps scaring Gary by telling Gary that Mr. Andretti's beehive has gone crazy. Gary falls for it every time because Gary is afraid of bees. All day, Gary reads his comic books because he hates to do anything else. No one likes Gary because they think he's a nerd, because he stinks at sports and looks weird. For instance, one time Gary was lined up to play baseball with the other students and was last in line, and at the end of the game they lost because he struck out. So, one of the big kids came up to him and punched him in the nose, so Gary ended up having to go home with a bloody nose. The next day Gary found an ad while surfing on the web. It said in big bold letters, "Body Swapping. Switch Bodies With Someone Else for One Whole Week." Gary liked that idea because he needed a long vacation from himself. He decided that he would go to the body-swapping place the next day since it was only few blocks away. (What a coincidence) The next day Gary went to the company and asked if he could switch bodies with someone else. The lady at the front desk, named Ms. Karmen, gave a picture to Gary and asked if he wanted to switch bodies with boy his age named Barry. Gary said he would because this guy was really cool looking. Ms. Karmen said she would come to his house the next day. The next day Ms. Karmen showed up on time and set up the equipment. She started the machine. Then something went wrong. Gary turned into a bee! Ms. Karmen didn't know what happened to Gary, so she took her equipment and left. Gary tried to get help, but he couldn't because he was just a bee. Gary found out that one of Mr. Andretti's bees got in the machine. Gary got used to how a bee flies, and then he went outside to get some pollen because he was hungry. After his meal,...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

A View of the Political Power of the Weimar Republic during the Golden Age

A View of the Political Power of the Weimar Republic during the Golden Age â€Å"The Weimar Republic enjoyed a golden age of political stability in the years 1924-28† When the armistice was signed by Germany in 1918, Germany was in a complete state of disarray. A naval mutiny broke out in Kiel, and Germany was plunged into a revolution. Several groups scrambled for control of Germany. Eventually, the Weimar Republic was formed, it promised a democratic republic with equal rights to all its citizens. However, to say the republic calmed tensions and provided political stability post-1918 would be far from accurate. Hyper-inflation and the harsh terms of the treaty of Versailles led to increasing resentment towards the newly-found republic from the German public up to the crisis year of 1923. However, historians have argued that between 1924 and 1928, Germany experienced a period of political stability, this is mainly attributed to Stresemann’s addressing of the hyper-inflation crisis by introducing the Rentenmark, as well as American loans and investment from the Dawes plan assisting the German economy in recovering. However critics have argu ed that there is no such thing as the â€Å"golden age† and that the Weimar Republic was still in a state of crisis. Some historians argue that it would be impossible to describe the period in Germany from 1924-1928 as a â€Å"golden age of political stability â€Å"because there was no stable Government during this period. Over this period there were 9 successive governments in the space of 4 years, all of them being coalition governments. The frequent change in leadership meant there was no time for any meaningful impact to take place as the next Government would scrap what the previous Government had been planning. In addition, some of the Governments during the period were minority Governments, leading to cases were Governments were unable to pass legislation due to other parties grouping together to prevent it from passing. The lack of strong government during the period highlighted the weakness of German democracy and led to the German public becoming disenfranchised with the establishment. However, looking at the period pre-1924, and compare it to the years 1924-28, it is clear that following 1924, there was a period of growing stability. Up to 1923, inflation was increasing at an exponential rate with the Government printing more and more money in order to pay of the overwhelming debts they held following the treaty of Versailles. The continual printing of money led to the Deutschmark becoming so worthless many German’s opted for a primitive barter economy instead. Hyper-inflation was only made worse by the French-Belgium invasion of the Ruhr. German workers in the Ruhr went on strike meaning reparations weren’t being paid; this led to a joint force of France and Belgium occupying the Ruhr. The German government at the time opted for a policy of passive resistance; they paid the German workers to stay on strike, but did not actively confront the occupying forces. The effect of passive resistance was that it led to even more money being paid out then the annual reparation payments cost them, which in turn exacerbated the hyper-inflation crises When Stresemann became chancellor in 1923 he set up a new currency, the Rentenmark which helped stabilise the economy and effectively ended the hyper-inflation crisis. Therefore, the crisis period up to 1923 is in great period with the relatively calmer more prosperous years from 1924-28. During this â€Å"golden age† real wages for Industrial workers increased and there was a sense of newfound prosperity, quite the opposite of the years leading up to the golden age. On the other hand, some historians would argue that the so-called economic prosperity of the â€Å"Golden age† wasn’t as prosperous as it is made out to be. Stresemann says in a speech shortly before his death â€Å"the economic position is only flourishing on the surface,† whilst the economy grew from 1924-1927 it shrunk in 1928; unemployment was a continuous issue, by March 1926 unemployment was at 3 million, this and the wall street crash which happened just after the golden age indicate that whilst the economy seemed to have recovered, in reality the foundations it was built on were unsafe to begin with. In conclusion, I would argue that whilst the Weimar Republic appeared to be more politically stable, the reality was that the short-lived prosperity was only due to American investment, and when the wall-street crash occurred, Germany was unable to rely on the USA, leading to an economic disaster. Thus the Weimar Republic enjoyed a false sense of political stability, but no real stability was present.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Rocking-Horse Winner VS. Janus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Rocking-Horse Winner VS. Janus - Essay Example The lady portrayed in the story by Lawrence is Paul’s mother â€Å"Hester,† who finds her marriage to be unlucky as she is unable to cope up with the poor financial situation of her married life. She even feels that her children are a burden for her. The story opens with the line â€Å"woman who was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck† (Lawrence). Hester is blessed with three children and her son Paul is shown as a strange character who after receiving the rocking horse gets a strange power, which helps him to predict the horse race winners correctly. He makes a good amount of money out of this and tries to help his mother so that she can pay off the debts. Instead of clearing the debts, she squanders the money for their stylish living. This shows that the lady has a sick desire for money. The story ends with the tragic death of Paul after falling from the horse. In Ann Beatties’s â€Å"Janus,† the protagonist’ s name is Andrea, and she is a successful real estate agent who believes in her lucky bowl. When she gets a buyer for the house, â€Å"she places the bowl in the house that was up for sale† (Beattie 595). This indicates that she was a blind believer of her luck, which she thought relied on the bowl. She credits her achievement to the bowl that is often also admired by the buyers. The story starts with the introduction of bowl – â€Å"The Bowl was perfect,† as the author puts it.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Body Diversity and Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Body Diversity and Media - Essay Example Body diversity is a crucial component that the society needs to address not only in America, but also across the globe. It ought to be so because some sections of the society have developed stereotypes about certain body formations. More often than not, such stereotypes border on unfairness, especially the ones that have discriminatory elements. For example, fatness was considered a sign of fortune and fertility in the 20th century but currently it is a sign of poor health and selfishness. It may not necessarily be so because the degree of fatness differs across individuals and the causes are widespread. For instance, a person may become fat because he/she has peace of mind while another may be so because of engaging in unhealthy lifestyles. Racism has been ailing the world, particularly the United States, for centuries now. It is simply discrimination based on skin color. Despite frantic efforts by Malcolm X and Martin Luther King jnr. to bring civil revolution in their times, racism continues to be a major challenge to national cohesion in America and many countries. The evidence of racism in the United States is depicted by the voting trends during election times. It means that a nation can be liberal and democratic yet racist. People are different in skin color, eye color, body shape, and hair texture, but they are all humans who deserve equal treatment. All sectors of the society must come into play in order to condemn the evil of discrimination based on body diversity. Perhaps a critical tool that a nation can either use to fun or shun discrimination based on body diversity is the media. Indeed, the media plays a critical media can provide a platform for dissuading citizens from all forms of bodily discrimination. Besides skin color and hair texture, most American with disability have also had to cope with high levels of discrimination. Since it is

Friday, January 24, 2020

Who Should Be the Determining Factor? Essay -- Gay Marriage Homosexual

Who Should Be the Determining Factor? In today’s society more people are getting engaged in gay marriages and becoming more open to society. From our society changing from a highly conservative rate to a more liberal state, this will increase the amount of open mindedness towards gay marriages. These two short arguments represent the pros and cons of gay marriage; and why gay marriages should be allowed. Andrew Sullivan will be discussing why gays should be allowed to be married. In contrast to Sullivan, William Bennett wrote a response to give a heterosexual perspective. Throughout this paper there will be numerous summarizing and synthesizing for the two arguments. Because there is two such different points of views this helps the contrast of both. In my synthesis there are topics that relate to Bennett and how he doesn’t have a strong enough back up to say who should and shouldn’t get married. In the essay, â€Å"Let Gays Marry,† by Andrew Sullivan, there were a few main arguments stated. In the document, Sullivan claims that gays and lesbians want the government to enable the law so it lets gays get married. They presented themselves in front of the Supreme Court and in fact, this was the first time they actually got some acknowledgment. Gays and lesbians are going to want to be together (some are lucky enough to meet that special someone), basically why not give them the right to be an equal citizen? The fact that churches do not want them to get married is not the focus; the difference is that Sullivan wants the government to take action. He’s simply asking for the government’s approval to allow a civil marriage. No one has the choice to be white, black, female, male, gay, hetero, etc. As a response to Bill Bennett,... ...on different scenarios. In the beginning half of the paper there is a summary of both stories, â€Å"Let Gays Marry† and â€Å"Leave Marriage Alone.† Basically in â€Å"Let Gays Marry,† it discusses how gays feel towards the society and how they don’t want to be second- class citizens. Also, it explains you cannot choose to black, white, gay, etc... In â€Å"Leave Marriage Alone,† Bennett believes that it will hurt the heterosexual marriage institution. Within the essay the focus was mainly on how same sex unions go against Church and God. Lastly, based on a 4,000 year tradition nothing should be adjusted. I believe that the contrast and summarizing was the main outcome of the essay. Clearly this represents two people who have very strong and different perspectives/personalities. In the end there will be the good/bad aspects of gay marriages, people will always feel uncomfortable.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Sample Apa Research Paper

Sample APA Research Paper Sample Title Page Place manuscript page headers one-half inch from the top. Put five spaces between the page header and the page number. Running on Empty 1 Full title, authors, and school name are centered on the page, typed in uppercase and lowercase. Running on Empty: The Effects of Food Deprivation on Concentration and Perseverance Thomas Delancy and Adam Solberg Dordt College 34 Sample Abstract Running on Empty Abstract This study examined the effects of short-term food deprivation on two The abstract summarizes the problem, participants, hypotheses, methods used, results, and conclusions. cognitive abilities—concentration and perseverance. Undergraduate students (N-51) were tested on both a concentration task and a perseverance task after one of three levels of food deprivation: none, 12 hours, or 24 hours. We predicted that food deprivation would impair both concentration scores and perseverance time. Food deprivation had no significant effect o n concentration scores, which is consistent with recent research on the effects of food deprivation (Green et al. , 1995; Green et al. , 1997).However, participants in the 12-hour deprivation group spent significantly less time on the perseverance task than those in both the control and 24-hour deprivation groups, suggesting that short-term deprivation may affect some aspects of cognition and not others. An APA Research Paper Model Thomas Delancy and Adam Solberg wrote the following research paper for a psychology class. As you review their paper, read the side notes and examine the following: ? The use and documentation of their numerous sources. ? The background they provide before getting into their own study results. The scientific language used when reporting their results. Center the title one inch from the top. Double-space throughout. Running on Empty Running on Empty: The Effects of Food Deprivation on Concentration and Perseverance 3 Many things interrupt people’s a bility to focus on a task: distractions, headaches, noisy environments, and even psychological disorders. To some extent, people can control the environmental factors that make it difficult to focus. However, what about internal factors, such as an empty stomach?Can people increase their ability to focus simply by eating regularly? One theory that prompted research on how food intake affects the average person was the glucostatic theory. Several researchers in the 1940s and 1950s suggested that the brain regulates food intake in order to maintain a blood-glucose set point. The idea was that people become hungry when their blood-glucose levels drop significantly below their set point and that they become satisfied after eating, when their blood-glucose levels return to that set point.This theory seemed logical because glucose is the brain’s primary fuel (Pinel, 2000). The earliest investigation of the general effects of food deprivation found that long-term food deprivation (3 6 hours and longer) was associated with sluggishness, depression, irritability, reduced heart rate, and inability to concentrate (Keys, Brozek, The introduction states the topic and the main questions to be explored. The researchers supply background information by discussing past research on the topic. Extensive referencing establishes support for the discussion.Henschel, Mickelsen, & Taylor, 1950). Another study found that fasting for several days produced muscular weakness, irritability, and apathy or depression (Kollar, Slater, Palmer, Docter, & Mandell, 1964). Since that time, research has focused mainly on how nutrition affects cognition. However, as Green, Elliman, and Rogers (1995) point out, the effects of food deprivation on cognition have received comparatively less attention in recent years. Running on Empty The relatively sparse research on food deprivation has left room for 4 urther research. First, much of the research has focused either on chronic The researchers exp lain how their study will add to past research on the topic. starvation at one end of the continuum or on missing a single meal at the other end (Green et al. , 1995). Second, some of the findings have been contradictory. One study found that skipping breakfast impairs certain aspects of cognition, such as problem-solving abilities (Pollitt, Lewis, Garza, & Shulman, 1983). However, other research by M. W. Green, N. A. Elliman, and P. J.Rogers (1995, 1997) has found that food deprivation ranging from missing a single meal to 24 hours without eating does not significantly impair cognition. Third, not all groups of people have been sufficiently studied. Studies have been done on 9–11 year-olds (Pollitt et Clear transitions guide readers through the researchers’ reasoning. al. , 1983), obese subjects (Crumpton, Wine, & Drenick, 1966), college-age men and women (Green et al. , 1995, 1996, 1997), and middle-age males (Kollar et al. , 1964). Fourth, not all cognitive aspects have been studied.In 1995 Green, Elliman, and Rogers studied sustained attention, simple reaction time, and immediate memory; in 1996 they studied attentional bias; and in 1997 they studied simple reaction time, two-finger tapping, recognition memory, and free recall. In 1983, another study focused on reaction time and accuracy, intelligence quotient, and problem solving (Pollitt et al. ). According to some researchers, most of the results so far indicate that cognitive function is not affected significantly by short-term fasting (Green et al. , 1995, p. 246).However, this conclusion seems premature due to the relative lack of research on cognitive functions such as concentration and The researchers support their decision to focus on concentration and perseverance. perseverance. To date, no study has tested perseverance, despite its importance in cognitive functioning. In fact, perseverance may be a better indicator than achievement tests in assessing growth in learning and thinking abilities, as perseverance helps in solving complex problems (Costa, 1984). Another study also recognized that perseverance, better learning techniques, and effort are cognitions worth studying (D’Agostino, 1996).Testing as many aspects of cognition as possible is key because the nature of the task is important when interpreting the link between food deprivation and cognitive performance (Smith & Kendrick, 1992). Running on Empty The researchers state their initial hypotheses. 5 Therefore, the current study helps us understand how short-term food deprivation affects concentration on and perseverance with a difficult task. Specifically, participants deprived of food for 24 hours were expected to perform worse on a concentration test and a perseverance task than those deprived for 12 hours, who in turn were predicted to perform worse than hose who were not deprived of food. Method Headings and subheadings show the paper’s organization. Participants Participants included 51 undergraduate-student volunteers (32 females, 19 males), some of whom received a small amount of extra credit in a college course. The mean college grade point average (GPA) was 3. 19. Potential participants were excluded if they were dieting, menstruating, or taking special medication. Those who were struggling with or had The experiment’s method is described, using the terms and acronyms of the discipline. truggled with an eating disorder were excluded, as were potential participants addicted to nicotine or caffeine. Materials Concentration speed and accuracy were measured using an online numbers-matching test (www. psychtests. com/tests/iq/concentration. html) that consisted of 26 lines of 25 numbers each. In 6 minutes, participants were required to find pairs of numbers in each line that added up to 10. Scores were calculated as the percentage of correctly identified pairs out of Passive voice is used to emphasize the experiment, not the researchers; otherwise, active voice is used. a possible 120.Perseverance was measured with a puzzle that contained five octagons—each of which included a stencil of a specific object (such as an animal or a flower). The octagons were to be placed on top of each other in a specific way to make the silhouette of a rabbit. However, three of the shapes were slightly altered so that the task was impossible. Perseverance scores were calculated as the number of minutes that a participant spent on the puzzle task before giving up. Procedure At an initial meeting, participants gave informed consent. Each consent form contained an assigned identification number and requested the participant’s GPA.Students were then informed that they would be notified by e-mail and telephone about their assignment to one of the Running on Empty three experimental groups. Next, students were given an instruction The experiment is laid out step by step, with time transitions like â€Å"then† and â€Å"next. † 6 sheet. These written instructions, which we also read aloud, explained the experimental conditions, clarified guidelines for the food deprivation period, and specified the time and location of testing. Participants were randomly assigned to one of these conditions using a matched-triplets design based on the GPAs collected at the initial meeting.This design was used to control individual differences in cognitive ability. Two days after the initial meeting, participants were informed of their group assignment and its condition and reminded that, if they were in a food-deprived group, they should not eat anything after 10 a. m. the next day. Participants from the control group were tested at 7:30 p. m. in a designated computer lab on the day the deprivation started. Those in the 12-hour group were tested at 10 p. m. on that same day. Those in the 24-hour group were tested at 10:40 a. m. on the following day.At their assigned time, participants arrived at a computer lab for testing. Ea ch participant was given written testing instructions, which were also read aloud. The online concentration test had already Attention is shown to the control features. been loaded on the computers for participants before they arrived for testing, so shortly after they arrived they proceeded to complete the test. Immediately after all participants had completed the test and their scores were recorded, participants were each given the silhouette puzzle and instructed how to proceed.In addition, they were told that (1) they would have an unlimited amount of time to complete the task, and (2) they were not to tell any other participant whether they had completed the puzzle or simply given up. This procedure was followed to prevent the group influence of some participants seeing others give up. Any participant still working on the puzzle after 40 minutes was stopped to keep the time of the study manageable. Immediately after each participant stopped working on the puzzle, he/she gave de mographic information and completed a few manipulation-check items. We then debriefed and dismissed each participant outside of the lab.Running on Empty Results The writers summarize their findings, including problems encountered. 7 Perseverance data from one control-group participant were eliminated because she had to leave the session early. Concentration data from another control-group participant were dropped because he did not complete the test correctly. Three manipulation-check questions indicated that each participant correctly perceived his or her deprivation condition and had followed the rules for it. The average concentration score was 77. 78 (SD = 14. 21), which was very good considering that anything over 50 percent is labeled â€Å"good† or â€Å"above average. The average time spent on the puzzle was 24. 00 minutes (SD = 10. 16), with a maximum of 40 minutes allowed. We predicted that participants in the 24-hour deprivation group would perform worse on the co ncentration test and the perseverance task than those in the 12-hour group, who in turn would perform worse than those in the control group. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant effect of deprivation condition on concentration, F(2,46) = 1. 06, p = . 36 (see Figure 1). Another one-way ANOVA indicated Figure 1. 100 â€Å"See Figure 1† sends readers to a figure (graph, photograph, chart, or drawing) contained in the paper.All figures and illustrations (other than tables) are numbered in the order that they are first mentioned in the text. Mean score on concentration test 90 80 70 60 50 No deprivation 12-hour deprivation 24-hour deprivation Deprivation Condition The researchers restate their hypotheses and the results, and go on to interpret those results. Running on Empty a significant effect of deprivation condition on perseverance time, F(2,47) = 7. 41, p < . 05. Post-hoc Tukey tests indicated that the 12-hour deprivation group (M = 17. 79, SD = 7. 84) spent significantly less time on the perseverance task than either the control group (M = 26. 0, SD = 6. 20) or the 24-hour group (M = 28. 75, SD = 12. 11), with no significant difference between the latter two groups (see Figure 2). No significant effect was found for gender either generally or with specific deprivation conditions, Fs < 1. 00. Unexpectedly, food deprivation had no significant effect on concentration scores. Overall, we found support for our hypothesis that 12 hours of food deprivation would significantly impair perseverance when compared to no deprivation. Unexpectedly, 24 hours 8 of food deprivation did not significantly affect perseverance relative to the control group.Also unexpectedly, food deprivation did not significantly affect concentration scores. Figure 2. 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 No deprivation 12-hour deprivation 24-hour deprivation Mean score on perseverance test Deprivation Condition Discussion The purpose of this study was to test how different levels of food deprivation affect concentration on and perseverance with difficult tasks. Running on Empty they would score on the concentration task, and the less time they would spend on the perseverance task. In this study, those deprived of food did 9 We predicted that the longer people had been deprived of food, the lower ive up more quickly on the puzzle, but only in the 12-hour group. Thus, the hypothesis was partially supported for the perseverance task. However, concentration was found to be unaffected by food deprivation, and thus the hypothesis was not supported for that task. The findings of this study are consistent with those of Green et al. The writers speculate on possible explanations for the unexpected results. (1995), where short-term food deprivation did not affect some aspects of cognition, including attentional focus. Taken together, these findings suggest that concentration is not significantly impaired by short-term food deprivation.The findings on perseverance, however, are not as easily explained. We surmise that the participants in the 12-hour group gave up more quickly on the perseverance task because of their hunger produced by the food deprivation. But why, then, did those in the 24-hour group fail to yield the same effect? We postulate that this result can be explained by the concept of â€Å"learned industriousness,† wherein participants who perform one difficult task do better on a subsequent task than the participants who never took the initial task (Eisenberger & Leonard, 1980; Hickman, Stromme, & Lippman, 1998).Because participants had successfully completed 24 hours of fasting already, their tendency to persevere had already been increased, if only temporarily. Another possible explanation is that the motivational state of a participant may be a significant determinant of behavior under testing (Saugstad, 1967). This idea may also explain the short perseverance times in the 12-hour group: because these participants took the tests at 10 p. m. , a prime time of the night for conducting business and socializing on a college campus, they may have been less motivated to take the time to work on the puzzle.Research on food deprivation and cognition could continue in several directions. First, other aspects of cognition may be affected by short-term food deprivation, such as reading comprehension or motivation. With respect to this latter topic, some students in this study reported decreased motivation to complete the tasks because of a desire to eat immediately Running on Empty took the tests may have influenced the results: those in the 24-hour 10 after the testing.In addition, the time of day when the respective groups group took the tests in the morning and may have been fresher and more relaxed than those in the 12-hour group, who took the tests at night. Perhaps, then, the motivation level of food-deprived participants could be effectively tested. Second, longer-term food deprivati on periods, such as those experienced by people fasting for religious reasons, could be explored. It is possible that cognitive function fluctuates over the duration of deprivation. Studies could ask how long a person can remain focused despite a lack of nutrition.Third, and perhaps most fascinating, studies could explore how food deprivation affects learned industriousness. As stated above, one possible explanation for the better perseverance times in the 24-hour group could be that they spontaneously improved their perseverance faculties by simply forcing themselves not to eat for 24 hours. Therefore, research could study how food deprivation affects the acquisition of perseverance. In conclusion, the results of this study provide some fascinating The conclusion summarizes the outcomes, stresses the experiment’s value, and anticipates further advances on the topic. nsights into the cognitive and physiological effects of skipping meals. Contrary to what we predicted, a perso n may indeed be very capable of concentrating after not eating for many hours. On the other hand, if one is taking a long test or working long hours at a tedious task that requires perseverance, one may be hindered by not eating for a short time, as shown by the 12-hour group’s performance on the perseverance task. 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